Maximize Your Collection


Boost your Money collection with ASIMAL as a collection Agency and consulting solutions and training tailored and AI platform providing for your business needs, ASIMAL is the ultimate Money-Collection.

What we’re good at?

We understand that every business is unique and have different collection needs. That is why we strive to provide a customized approach for each one of our clients. Our team of experts has the knowledge and tools to ensure that our solutions are tailored to your business needs. We provide state-of-the-art technologies to make sure that your collection process is efficient and secure.

Collections Consulting

Controlling AR Collection Agency

Credit And Collection AI Platform

Collection Training and Coaching

Let us help you

Our approach


Business Challenge Review

We help you realize the biggest challenges you're facing.


Money Collection and Preparation

Together, we'll collect and Maximize all the relevant Money.


Credit Analysis

We dive deep into the Credit, and aim to understand the underlying why.


Business Implementation

Implementation often happens in phases paired with vigorous testing.

How will you benefit?

Understanding the overarching trends of your business and overall market saves you time, money and energy in the long run, and can help you dominate your cash flow.



Reduced costs

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.